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Moksa Organics: Bath and Body with Purpose

It’s getting to that point in winter where I’m literally going to scream aloud if I don’t get some sunshine soon. Really soon. It’s also about this time of year when my skin is crying out for extra moisture after several long months of winter’s cold, dry air. Luckily for me, I’ve discovered a really awesome and easy way to escape the last days of winter…with Moksa Organics!

Moksa Organics delivers the whole package with lightly scented body butters that not only nourish your skin but your weary winter soul! The delightfully tropical key lime vanilla scent is subtle yet effective, allowing your mind to drift off to a southern beach strewn with palm trees! While it works wonderfully as an entire body cream, it is especially effective when applied to the hardened heels on your feet. Overnight and on more than one occasion, I've treated my tootsies to a Moksa hydration sleepover and it works like nothing else to soften callouses.

Another wonderful product to try, one that everyone needs, are their body bars! Moksa body bars are absolutely heavenly to use in the bath or shower and clean very well, even in hard water conditions. Some, like Payne's Prairie Organic Body Bar, donate 100% of all proceeds to charity! My favorite so far has been the Yasgur's Farm Organic Body Bar - the woodstock blend of patchouli and orange with just the right amount of exfoliating power to free my skin of winter plague (dry, dead skin cells). One bar lasts quite a long time, much longer than a normal bar of soap - in fact, about 3-4x longer than from what we've tested!

Not only does this company make effective products, their ethical standards are something to aspire to. Here is an excerpt from their website regarding their carbon neutral certification.
Moksa believes in starting a “clean” revolution one bar of soap at a time! Part of our business philosophy includes:
  • waste reduction of raw materials
  • perfecting our soap formulas (understanding the chemistry and molecular process) in order to eliminate end product waste
  • reduction of water usage (our system for clean up entails a 3 part system that uses only a few gallons of water)
  • overall energy reduction (energy efficient appliances, using off peak hours during creation and curing processes)
  • AVOIDING NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES such as aluminum & tin containers (not to mention the environmental impact from mining), packaging made from petroleum such as plastics (PP, PET, PS, etc), as well as avoiding petroleum in our products, eliminating ingredients whenever possible that go through a refinement process
  • avoiding paper products, packaging and labels from the logging industry
  • supporting and purchasing from suppliers with the same business philosophy
We don’t waiver from our beliefs, even if it means that we as a producer make less money. Each and every day we feel good about what we do, and that’s worth so much more!
This is definitely a company that you'll want to show support for! Check them out today.