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Toys: Rapido Speed Game by Hape

Fine tune their fine motor skills!

Description: What a mess! There are colored balls all over the table! Collect them quickly - but in the right order. You'll need good eyes and swift hands!

Price: $19.99 US  $17.54 sale

Rapido, winner of the famed Oppenheim Gold Seal and Creative Child Seal of Excellence Awards, challenges children to develop their hand-eye coordination alongside speedy thinking and fine motor skill tuning. 

To set up the game, you create a circle with the rope, luckily we have an ottoman table with raised edges so the rope was not necessary! You then place the bamboo balls (the size of small marbles) into the bamboo cylinder in the center of the rope circle. Everyone grabs a bamboo chute "ball-picker-upper-doo-dad" (yes, that is our technical term for it) and a pattern stick. The goal is to quickly stab your chute onto the balls in the color order shown on your stick. Still following? It's pretty easy to get the hang of and our 4 year old had no trouble latching onto the concept right away (though admittedly, it was a bit more perplexing the first time around for his 4 year old friend and 3 year old brother).

The concept is simple and the game is well-made, however it poses a choking hazard to households with younger siblings (both the balls and the detachable rubber bands on the ends of the chutes that enable balls to be picked up). We also had a problem with the rubber bands on the chutes, they easily came off and with little curious hands holding them, were prone to being pulled off - there were no extras included with the game so I could easily see this game becoming unusable long all too soon due to this.

Overall, the kids enjoyed it for 4 rounds and then they were ready to move on...considering each round took a few minutes to set up, it was a lot more work than it should've been - especially the time wasted on trying to find the detached rubber bands previously mentioned. If you have one child of whom you plan to play with this with, I'd say go for it! But if you are looking for a game to sit down for 4 young children to play together without much assistance, you are going to be getting up A LOT to fix and reset the game. Although the developmental benefits of this game are best suited for young children, the upkeep to keep the game going really takes someone of at least 10 years of age to be there and/or play.