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Kitchen: SugarBooger Recycled Melamine Tray Set

Old school...literally!

Description: Cafeteria-style 10.5" x 8" divided food tray with matching fork, spoon and 6 oz cup. Made from non-toxic, lead-free, post-industrial recycled melamine.

Ingredients: 100% recycled melamine plastic

Price: $20 US

Help to divert tons of melamine from landfills by giving it a second life, on your dinner table! These children's sets are reminiscent of old school style cafeteria trays, and who didn't know that would be a fashionable home statement one day. Comprised of recycled plastic resin, it looks like ceramic but performs like lightweight plastic, each and every one of these trays is unique because the "confetti" is different on every single one!

Melamine is so common that it appears in virtually every household...on your countertops, that is! That's right, melamine is the plastic resin used to make countertops because it is one of the strongest plastics there is. And while it is heat-resistant, it is not heat-proof and can degrade at higher temperatures, so it is not wise to use it in the oven or microwave. However, it is dishwasher safe (top rack), though it would obviously have a longer lifespan being hand-washed in lower heat.

The plate is large enough to hold a dinner portion for a child age 10 and under. The matching utensils and cup are more appropriately sized for a child under age 5. And if your child gets tired sitting at the table, they can always count different colors of dots on the keeps them occupied just a bit longer!