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Baby: The Sippy Cup from thinkbaby

At some point in the first year of life, you look at your not-so-little baby and realize that they're not so much a baby anymore, but an increasingly active toddler, with their own needs, wishes, and demands. I reached that point later and later with subsequent children - pushing back the introduction of solid foods and drinking cups. In fact, with our youngest, I have been so wrapped up in keeping him a baby, that I completely forgot to introduce him to a bottle within the first weeks of life (as is recommended by many doctors) and the 5 month introduction to sippy cups flew right on by unnoticed as well. So here we are, at nearly 10 months old, with a 100% breastfed child who is completely unfamiliar with any type of drinking spout.

The challenge that lies before is to find a sippy cup that meets all of our requirements, which are:
  • non-toxic (BPA-free, phthalate-free, PVC-free, etc)
  • simple design
  • easy to clean with few parts
  • lightweight for ease of lifting
  • easy to drink from
For this particular review, thinkbaby sent us their 9 oz sippy cup ($8.49 US) to try out! thinkbaby is known for their safe baby products and innovative designs.

Since it is said that pictures speak louder than words, I'd like to preface this review with several snapshots. These photos are posted in the order taken, and as this is the first time the baby has tried any sippy cup, the natural curiosity is captured with this fascinating new thing that provides drink.

The soft silicone spout is soft on the baby's gums and teeth, but will likely need to be replaced a few times per year due to inevitable chewing. This sippy cup reminds me more of a bottle than a cup, due in part to the soft silicone spout which is very similar to a bottle nipple; thus I would rate this product best for those in the earliest stages of transition to self-drinking. The handle is very easy for a young child to grasp and the amount of tilt to receive fluids is reasonable. The absolutely best feature on this product is that it does not leak - it is 100% spill-proof out of the package! And by this, I mean, the baby tried and tried upside-down while shaking it full of water to get it to spill and it just didn't happen. For conquering this feat alone, I award the thinkbaby sippy cup the honorable "juice worthy" award!