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Face: Winter Lip Treatment Set by Lauren Brooke

 The secret to absolutely deliciously healthy lips!

Lauren Brooke Cosmetiques has brought us another wonderfully natural and effective product just in time for winter's cold, chapped lips! The Winter Lip Treatment Set ($12.50 US) includes a Sweet Chai Lip Scrub and Vanilla Mint Lip Balm, wrapped beautifully in a cream organza bag!

Just dab a little bit of this yummy sugar scrub on your lips and enjoy the sweet spiced scent (and flavor...shh...I know you're not supposed to eat it but let's just say I really tested this one very well, hehe)! After exfoliating, apply moisture with the minty vanilla balm to restore your lips!

In my years of photography, I can't tell you how many times makeup artists needed to exfoliate lips to get color to stay put, plus it really helps make portraits come out great when your smile isn't deflected by peeling, dry, cracked lips. Hurry, grab one of these sets before your family portrait session this holiday season!!

Ingredients: Sweet Chai Lip Scrub: organic brown sugar, organic shea butter, non-gmo lecithin, grapeseed oil, organic safflower oil, organic vanilla extract, organic coconut flavor oil, allspice and clove essential oil; Vanilla Mint Lip Moisturizer: organic castor oil, organic beeswax, organic shea butter, organic coconut oil, organic olive oil, organic jojoba oil, organic pomegranate oil, natural vitamin e oil, stevia leaf extract, vanilla co2, organic peppermint essential oil