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Wooden Toys & Ornaments by Maple Landmark

Sustainably harvested wood. Locally sourced in the USA. High quality, reasonable prices...

From baby to toddler to child and beyond, there are so many wonderful wooden choices from Maple Landmark - truly something for everyone! They sent us a basket of goodies to review for your holiday gifting's what we loved:

C-Blox ($14 US) is a great toy for the creative mind, recommended for ages 2+, we think it's gre
at from baby to child. This simple concept of 4 wooden blocks in the shape of the letter "c" are a hit for the teething baby crowd, as they are unfinished maple wood (non-toxic) and great for helping those new pearly whites cut through the gums. They are also easy to grasp for babies, making them great toys to bang together and clutch! Fast forward to toddlers, where these same blocks become stackable to build houses and make believe with. And as they travel into the 4-6 year old child phase, it becomes a puzzle, tunnels for toy cars and trains, plus these can be painted or colored on by your imaginative child!

Made by Me Vehicle Craft Kits ($4.50 US) are perfect stocking stuffers for those "I can do it myself" phasers! Choose from a truck, train, tugboat, tractor, race car, or love bug car and give your child not only the gift of a very cool natural toy to play with, but the satisfaction and self-esteem that come from being able to make it themselves. And perhaps, in my opinion, the best bonus of all...the unfinished wood allows them to easily personalize it with paint, crayons, markers, or by other creative means!

Simple ABC Blocks ($23 US) are a classic must-have toy for any child! What makes these particular blocks better than all the rest? They are MADE IN THE USA, non-toxic (completely unfinished wood with no chemicals added), and unlike many others you will find on store shelves, the letters on these blocks are CARVED into the wood, not painted. This means the letters won't rub off in a couple of months and render them useless...nope, these blocks were made to be passed down through the generations as high-quality heirloom toys!

Maple Ornaments ($4-9 US) are thick cut, not flimsy like you will find in stores, plus they are US-made. The edges are stained to provide a beautiful contrast to the ornaments and they are available in an assortment of shapes, my favorite being the maple leaf. And the most important test (as any veteran decorator knows), they dis not split when dropped onto a hard floor!