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Cosmetics: Lauren Brooke Botanical Lip Gloss

Description: Made with 100% Organic Oils! Choose from clear or natural colored glosses for a beautiful shine & the perfect finishing touch. (Colored glosses are Raspberry Pomegranate flavor, Clear Glosses are Mint or Orange Vanilla)

Ingredients: Organic Castor Oil, Organic Beeswax, Organic Shea Butter, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Olive Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Pomegranate Oil, Natural Vitamin E Oil, Stevia Extract

EWG Rating: 1 (safe/green) - Click here to read report!

Price: $7.99 US

First off, let me start off by saying I’m not HUGE into lipstick, I’m a straight lip balm kinda gal. But I tried this product in “winterberry “ and I've got to say the color is GREAT for the fall and holiday season. Plus, it would look good with just about any skin tone or hair color, it's very neutral pretty! 

The gloss has thicker consistency than most other brands of lip gloss, but it’s not sticky (which is the main reason why I don’t normally wear lip gloss) so it stays in place and doesn't make a mess of your hair when it briskly blows by. Another little bonus with this gloss is the YUMMY berry flavor, it totally reminded me that I was wearing is and renewed that feeling of "feeling pretty"!!

Available in 12 fabulously shimmery shades, there are so many possible combinations to beautify your lips and your day!


*Review written by our fashionist nut, Marissa, who is in transitioning to a greener lifestyle!