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Gifts: UpCycled Necktie Wallet

Looking for that unique "one of a kind" gift?

This UpCycled Necktie Wallet ($22) takes a tie that has gone past it's prime and recycles it into a wallet. It comes beautifully packaged in old book pages with reused threads and little tidbits such as a flower, shown above.

With 3 convenient storage pockets to store your business cards, credit cards, and cash - this green gift is made for the prince charming (or practical lady) on your list! The size is great for storing an iPod or cell phone along with cards and money. RE-MADE IN USA.

Amanda Davie has been working with vintage neckties since 2003. She sources her ties from thrift stores and garage sales. She believes the charm is in it's upcycled nature; her goal is to ensure "potential customers are actually able to identify that it was indeed something made from a vintage tie."