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Home: Reusable Shopper Totes by Petunia Pickle Bottom

Okay, so let's face it...some of us need a little more encouragement to go green with our shopping habits. What better way to promote going green than with convenience and fabulously stylish patterns?

Petunia Pickle Bottom, maker of the famously popular diaper bags (FYI they now have organic diaper bags...stay tuned for a review as soon as we can get our hands on one to test out IRL conditions), has created a line of shopper totes perfect for everything from groceries to clothing to household supplies! What makes these reusable bags different than the myriad of others out there??

They're gorgeous! In traditional Petunia-style, carrying one of these totes feels more like you're walking the runway rather than the bread aisle! We tested their new pattern, Frolicking in Fez, and it's you can see!

One of the biggest problems many of us face with reusable bags is that we simply forget to bring them. Well, this is one tote you can't forget because it is convenient! It folds up to the size of a thin clutch (see photo below), securely fastens with an elastic latch, and easily fits inside your diaper bag or purse!

How many times have you just taken your keys and wallet to the store, perhaps a grocery list, placed them in the bag or basket and had to go digging to find them at checkout? Problem solved! These shopper totes include a generously sized outer pocket that will hold all your essentials right within easy reach!

No more crying over spilled milk! These shopper totes are water resistant - we tested and it seems to be actually waterproof, holding liquid spills on the surface until it rolls off, but we'll go with the term resistant just in case you want to use it as a life raft and it ends up being wet!

Made from 100% BPA-free Polypropylene (#5 plastic) - though we'd love to see Petunia Pickle Bottom go greener by utilizing post-consumer recycled PP, helping to create a market for all those food containers we turn in for recycling!

Oh and by the way, these totes are recyclable in your city recycling program since you can recycle PP curbside just about everywhere within the US!

They're bigger than most others! You can tell in the photo below where I'm holding the tote and my hand looks so teeny tiny at the top of the photo, what you cannot see is that inside the tote are 4 boxes of cereal -- and there's still room for more! Approx. dimensions are: 16" x 15.5" x 3.5"

Last but not least, I know you are wondering, what is the price on these oh-so-wonderful-can't-live-without-one shopper totes? $12 .... yes, only $12 US!